Jan 7, 2013

Movie & Books : Jack Reacher

Assalamualaikum :)

This is the FIRST!

Last week, I bought another 2 books. Bengongkan? Ini bermakna I have 14 books to read plus another 2 yg aku pinjam since forever daripada some of my colleagues and another 3 yg aku cekup dari almari buku adik aku. Umumnya, aku memang bercita-cita tinggi. Hahahaha..

So, aku beli buku Jack Reacher : One Shot sebab POPULAR kata it's worth reading. And to tell you the truth, it was. The best book ever. This is the story about a hero who doesn't even think he is cool. Cara dia bercakap, bertindak dan berfikir di luar jangkaan pembaca.

Jack Reacher merupakan polis tentera (more like NCIS perhaps) yang sukar dikesan. Tiada alamat, kereta, rumah malah tiada luggage pun. Satu kejadian tembak menembak telah berlaku di sebuah plaza menyebabkan 5 kematian. Dalam tempoh 6 jam, penembak (sniper) telah diberkas. Sepanjang tempoh soal siasat, suspek tidak langsung berkata apa-apa melainkan "Get me Jack Reacher".

Walaupun Reacher sukar untuk dikesan, tiba-tiba out of no where Reacher muncul di pejabat DA. Paling pelik, Reacher tidak bermaksud pun untuk membantu James Barr (suspek) seorang veteran tentera sebaliknya cuba memastikan hukuman dijalankan.
Turn out, semasa berkhidmat dalam tentera, Barr pernah melakukan kesalahan yg sama mengakibatkan 4 kematian. Reacher merupakan penyiasat yg berjaya menangkap Barr. Setelah ditangkap, Barr mengaku bersalah dan berjanji dengan Reacher tidak akan melakukan kesalahan yg sama atau Reacher akan datang semula untuk memastikan hukuman dijalankan.  

Dari semasa ke semasa, Reacher mendapati bukti yg ada terhadap Barr terlalu 'perfect'. Terlalu banyak bukti yg ditinggalkan sedangkan suatu ketika dulu Barr hampir terlepas kerana tiada bukti. 

Atas bantuan Helen Rodin (peguambela) dan Rosemary Barr (adik suspek), Reacher cuba mencari pembunuh sebenar bagi membebaskan Barr.

Umumnya, buku ni is definitely by far the best book I've ever read. Ada banyak buku Siri Jack Reacher lagi, but luckily mengikut review ini yg terbaik dari Lee Child.

Ok, since I've read the book.. tiba-tiba a friend of mine bagitau the movie is actually showing in the cinema. Apakah ini takdir?

Of course I'm excited. It's like reading notes before going to lecture! Belum pun lecturer habis tanya soalan, I'm already on my feet raising my both hands just to make a point 'I know the answer!'. 

There I was sitting in the cinema with my 3 kids and Mr. Hubby while my mouth keep saying 'shhhh' to my kids (this not a cartoon of course). I bought popcorn but did not manage to finish it because my mouth is to busy and my two hands was fully occupied menidurkan Hakim.

FYI, this is my first time reading the book before the actual movie. Usually, kalau sudah main di movie, aku tidak terfikir pun mau baca bukunya. Just because I already know.

Di awal movie, I was like.. Owh.. I know this one.

The next 10 minutes, I was like.. Ok, they combine 3 characters into one. I can put up with that..

The next 20 minutes, I was like.. What happen? Did I missed 10 chapters?

The rest of the movie I feel exactly like someone who read the wrong book but with the same title. More confused..

Totally different dan sangat kecewa. For one, Jack Reacher is suppose to be 6' 5", blond and not good looking. Now, look at Tom Cruise.. exactly the opposite. Somewhere in the book, Jack Reacher mentioned Vladimir (the crook) is big as a house. Somehow the crook thought Reacher almost has the same size as Vladimir. Which means, Reacher also big as a house. Tom Cruise? Doesn't even look like a house. More like a window or maybe a door? But who cares. He produces the movie. 

All and all, I might having a problem understanding the movie kalau aku tidak baca tu buku. But somehow reading the book doesn't help either. :)

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