Feb 25, 2014

Life Update


I'm pretty sure I already forgotten the password to this blog. Nasib baiklah tidak!

I won't bother you with the lame (yet popular) excuse saying that I'm busy. Which is I really do. Serious. No joke!

The Kids Update

The kids are being the kids. Adorable yet impossible. 

Haikal seems to know a little about diet. Bila ramai yang tegur dia makin gemuk, pandai pula dia gabra mau berdiet. At the beginning, macam berhasil. Lately, macam 'makin bersemangat' la pula.

Deyana is being a drama queen lately. Setiap kali hantar ke sekolah dia akan buat scene seperti di bawah:

Which is interesting yet embarrassing. 

Hakim is starting to throw a few words. Since he's almost 2 y/o and all. Nampak kucing, dia sebut 'ucing'. Nampak anjing, masih juga 'ucing'. Nampak burung, tiba-tiba 'ucing'! Bila cakap salah, siap hentak-hentak kaki. Bah! Baiklah. Semua pun ucing.

My Update

Nothing much happened to this 36 y/o ahjumma. Beside of being busy at work, at home and wherever I go (most mothers do), I actually doesn't have anything to update. 

Oh wait! I participated dalam sukan staff a few weeks ago. I originally joined 2 sports (bola jaring and bola tampar) yet my name was submitted for 4 different kind of sports. I kinda escape 1 though. :) 

Tidak ada sebarang pingat dimenangi. Tidak ada sebarang sakit-sakit badan dialami. Sama ada aku makin fit, atau aku tidak banyak bergerak. Hahahaha

But more than anything else, I had a very good time!

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